See the post below for details on purchasing our products.
See the post below for details on purchasing our products.

Williams Farm Update for July 20th


The summer is flying by!  Go away for 12 days and suddenly it seems half the summer is gone.
I went out west with Suzanne to Vancouver and Victoria for a week.  We visited our youngest son Oliver in Vancouver. He’s taking a summer course at UBC. Lots to do there we: toured UBC, hiked the Chief in Squamish, visited Granville Island, and walked the Kitsilano Street Festival.
Then it was on to Victoria to visit Suzanne’s brother and family, my aunt, uncle and cousins.
I flew back after a week for our maple association’s summer conference in the Sault. The weather was fantastic out west….low to mid 20’s everyday.
I’ve been back at work on the farm all week, catching up!  Curt and I have been working on the green garlic harvest, tractor maintenance, fieldwork and firewood. Kim and I bottled syrup as well.
Next week we start the garlic harvest in earnest. We are short a couple hands if you know anybody who’d like to help. You need a strong back! The weights aren’t heavy, just lots of bending over.
This week at the Barrie Farmers’ Market I’ll have our usual maple products plus green garlic bunches for $5. I may have some scapes, I just have to check on their condition. It will be a couple of weeks till we have some dry garlic.
I have put some garlic bunches in the store fridge if you come by the farm.
See you at the farm or the market!
P.S. Some explanation of the pictures.  1) Oliver and Suzanne on top of the Chief.  That’s Howe Sound in the back ground….500m climb in 1.5 hours. 2) The RO building for Gilbertson’s Maple on St. Joseph’s Island. The largest producer in Ontario, approx. 50,000 taps!